...Maria in her new appartment..
Maria and her cousin Elin
I said Bonsoir to a french guy
Jessica came too! With flowers!
I brought a gift to Maria...
...that reminded her of our trip to London (we saw this dishcloth on Arlanda and laughed of all the ugly names of each metro-station) and she said that she would never want to have this thing in her kitchen!
Louisa,Adina,Mia,Me and Jessie
Salty Sticks
Once again Johanna made it. I mean, made the photos really really interesting. Thank you love.

väldans trevlig fekke o fina bidler som vanligt :)
SvaraRaderaHaha, livsfarligt med vimmelfotografer på fester. Bilderna kan dyka upp vart som helst :) Men kul fest iaf!
SvaraRaderaLivsfarligt med fotograf som höll ett glas i ena handen och kameran i andra, lutad över bålen! (Maria)
SvaraRaderaHaha, true that :)